Sunday, March 6, 2022

Getting traction inside your organization for PowerApps

I'll definitely say that this is primarily a conversation that is not only about PowerApps but also is about what I've learned in (checks calendar)...thi- (checks calendar again)...thirty years of technology work/consulting.  The process of getting any organization to pick up a specific technology is almost always a slog.  Add in that being successful in the "low-code" space means definitely abandoning some "best practices" from traditional coding that will make people's heads explode.

The key thing to realize is that every single organization prioritizes one thing:  results.  If you just abandon everything else and focus on this, you'll be successful.  Now, how long you'll be successful...maybe don't abandon everything.  See some ideas below.

However, before you go, I do feel a need to state the following simply as my own moral duty due to what I'll be sharing below.  Consider this my own personal ethical EULA for you to agree to:

By clicking this link and reading the article attached, I agree to use what I learned here for the betterment of humanity, my employer, my family, and myself (in that order of priority).